Saturday, July 6, 2019

In this blog you are going to learn some facts and information about the great war (known as the first world war.)



The great war or first world war was an army conflict between the ¨Triple Entente¨ and the ¨Triple ¨Alliance¨, which  were the two groups of countries that made associations among them in the war against their enemies.

 -Italy was part of the Triple alliance but they betrayed the alliance and then joined  to  the triple entente .

THE TRIPLE ENTENTE       THE TRIPlE ALLIANCE                                                                                                             

The United Kingdom                                  The German Empire

France                                                      Austria Hungary Empire

The Russian Empire                                          Otoman Empire

Resultado de imagen para bandera imperio otomano 1914

Italy                                                            The Bulgarian Kigdom




United States


Some of the most important causes of this war were the imperialism and colonialism that were over all the  implicated countries,this made that the people felt a big discontent about the countries situation, but the big detonant was the murder of the Archduke Francisco Fernando of Austria ,something that caused a big crisis wich developed in strong political conflicts and before in all the great belic war.

Many countries were in conflict in just a little while !


There was not only a big confrontation among the countries , there were a lot of advances in  science and tecnology.

there was a great armamentistic advance, too many guns appered with incredible power .

     Chemical weapons(chemical war)                                                                                          Zeppelins(sky war)

          war Planes                                                                                                           War Tanks(ground war) 

Anti-Mosquito Sprays  (health)                                                                                     Ultrasound(science)


Finally the triple entente was the winner , because they had too much advantage in food,guns,soldiers and countries over the triple alliance.It was a crushing and humilliant victory.


After the belic conflict some treatys and organizations were created in order to keep the peace and the harmony among the countries.

The Treaty Of Versalles (1919) : In this treaty were signed the  economic,politic and peace agreements at the end of the war.In this treaty was created the League Of Nations  wich was a group who tried to avoid a post-Army conflict of the war 

Unfortunately...Germany was not very happy with the treaty of Versalles, the Germany empire felt really upset and humiliated because this treaty was so impartial ,they said that it was an imposition and not a treaty; a lot of lands were took from them , and also the winners countries were taking too much advantage about the economic repairs that Germany must gived to them because of  the made damages during the war.This was an important aspect of the consequences of the war.


-The millions of deaths: it were about 50-60 millions of deaths not just because of the army conflict and the crossed fire, they were also because of diseases thanks to the bad life conditions and also because of the lack of food and resources in the countries.

-The economic crisis: Many countries were just destroyed because of the lack of resources ,  there was a big poorness because it was impossible to do normal work activities.


The rise of  the Nazism ¡ : after all the problematic the German Empire felt into an economic and social crisis thanks to the absurd treatments made in the treaty of versalles,all this caused the rise of the extremly right of the country with the support of the discontent people about the situation of their country.Finally this was the biggest impulse for the Second World War ...


The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again
– George Santayana.

A war is something that nobody must live , I think that is one of the most horrible things that humanity has lived ,it shows the worst part of us ,and that  kind of acts must be removed of our political and social considerations.Big goverments always think that guns and violence are going to solve the problems among countries , but that is not true¡ the great war has just simply showed that one big conflict full of innocent deaths and horrible events just bring more violence and was just the opening of another big war, it didn't solved anything, but some people still thinking that those kind of acts are a solution and that shows how humanity is completely blind... 

Hope you have enjoyed and learned a lot with this blog , but mainly I hope that you have reflect about the devastating things that happen in a war.


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